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In project two I talked about what Guardian Ad Litem provides for children in foster care. Their job is to advocate for children in care by going to court hearings and speaking to the judge. To know what is best for the kids they have visits with them. A lot of Guardian Ad Litem's are volunteers. My first genre will be a poster to try and get more people to volunteer and learn more about the program. The state and Guardian Ad Litem are not the only people involved in the foster child's care, there are also the foster parents and families. My second genre will be a brochure about what foster care is, how to become a part of it, and by becoming a foster parent how you are helping a child. Bringing in kids that have been in foster care can have an impact on the children that are already in your home. When deciding if you are going to foster or not that is another thing you need to consider. For my third genre I will make a blog post on the impact that foster children have on biological kids and families.

Project 3: Academics


I did a poster to try and  increase the number of Guardian Ad Litem volunteers there are in the community to work with children in foster care.

Project 3: Image


This is a brochure on what foster care is, how to become a foster parent, and how it helps the children in care.

Project 3: Files


I made an Instagram account for Florida's Guardian Ad Litem. There is a social media out there for the state's Guardian Ad Litem program, however, they have not posted for over a year. They have signs around town about becoming a volunteer, but so much of our lives is spent online. I think social media would reach more people. Also, people can forward the link to people they know, which will spread the word. 


Project 3: Text

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